Friday, August 28, 2015

Getting to know me

Andrew Hamer
English 1100_35
August 28th, 2015
Prof. Young

1. If you play an sports, what type of sports do you play? How long have you been playing this sport?
I do not play on any sports teams, but I'm always open to play a sport if any of my friends want to do a small game.

2. What are you passionate about? For example, in your free time, what do you enjoy doing most?

I enjoy hiking, reading, watching TV, and just hanging out with friends during my free time.

3. What is your nickname and how did you get this name?

I don't really have a nickname. Most people just call me Andrew and sometimes my friends call me by my last name Hamer.

4. When you write, do you just sit at a computer and allow the words to flow or do you have an outline?

My thoughts have always been kind of jumbled so making a really defined outline messes me up. If I do make an outline it is normally just a piece of scrap paper with some concepts on it that I plan on writing about, otherwise I just let the words flow.

5. How would you describe your writing experience in high school? For example did your teachers allow you multiple times for you to revise your essays to earn a high grade? Did you learn grammar rules and structure? Did you learn about the five paragraph structure?

I would describe my writing experience as about average. My teachers would allow me to revise papers a few times in order to achieve a higher grade. We didn't have any actual lessons on grammar rules and structure but when ever we received our papers back the teacher would mark incorrect grammar and tell us to correct it. I am not sure if I learned about the five paragraph structure, I may have but it could have been taught under a different name.

6. What type of music do you most listen to and who is your favorite artist?

I mainly listen to a lot of classic rock with the band Queen being my favorite.

7. Do you use social media and if so how often do you use social media: Facebook, twitter, Snap Chat, Instagram?

I do use some social media such as Facebook and Snap Chat, but I don't really check them that much.

8. What is most important for you to learn this semester?

I'm not really sure what I think is most important. I guess just what is required.

9. Rate yourself as a writer: A, B, C or D. Explain why?

I would say I am a B or C writer because while I know that I am a decent writer I can always find room for improvement.

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